Monday, November 22, 2010

Mini Tut - Wood Frame Window

This tut was written in psp X3 but can be done in other versions. This tut is only for the window frame.

My Supplies Here, save to your pattern folder.

Open up your wood grain pattern of choice and minimize. Open a new raster image 600 x 500 transparent.

Go to View and click on Rulers.

Select all, Selections, Modify, Contract by 20. Selections, Invert.

Flood fill selection with your woodgrain pattern. Keep Selected.

Give it an Inner Bevel, I used the one below.

Add a new raster layer. Click on your Selection tool. Type Rectangle. Mode Add. Feather 0. Start from the top around the middle. Draw a thin line, about 10 pixels wide all the way from the top of the frame down to the bottom. Make sure it overlaps a bit and don't worry, we'll fix it. Flood fill with your wood pattern. Keep selected.

Give it the same inner bevel as you did the frame. Duplicate this bar 1 time so you have a total of 2 bars.

Our workspace is 600 pixels wide so move one bar to exactly 200 on the ruler. Move the other bar to 400.

Hide your raster 1 layer and merge visible on the 2 bar layers. Move this layer below your frame layer and unhide the frame.

Add a new raster layer. Click on your selection tool again and this time draw a bar going horizontally across your frame, again about 10 pixels wide. Make sure it goes all the way from one side to another. Flood fill with your woodgrain pattern and give it the same inner bevel except change the angle to 358. Deselect. Move it to 250 on your workspace and move it under the layer with the vertical bars.

Merge visible on all layers. Give your frame a drop shadow. I used HV 0, O 60, B 8. Now your frame is done. Save as a psp or psd image. This window has 6 panes but you can make more or less panes by varying the number of horizontal and verticle bars you put on your frame. The frame looks great with scenic pictures such as the example at the top of the page.

Tutorial ©2009 Queina. All rights reserved. Any simularities to any other tutorials is purely coincidental and is not done intentionally.

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